Genesis lost 49lbs

“I don't even know who I am anymore and it's because I'm not the same person that started this journey”


I started my fitness journey as a depressed miserable pre-diabetic with high cholesterol. I was at my highest weight, weighing in at a hefty 261 pounds (height 5'7). It was time for a CHANGE. I was at the point where I was unhappy in my own body. I hated leaving my house because that would require me to get dressed and nothing I put on ever made me feel good. My self-esteem was extremely low and I knew I had to do something. I had no clue where to start until one day I was talking to my sister and she mentioned she had found an amazing personal trainer and I should reach out to her so I did thinking well I'll give this a try … here goes nothing and that one little e-mail I sent to Coach Fe changed everything.

I did not have too much confidence in myself, but I managed to find a bit to reach out to inquire about training sessions. Thinking back, I was my own worst enemy. I remember the thoughts racing through my head... I can't even go up the steps without getting out of breath how can I work out for an hour? I can't even do push-ups. I have not worked out in years and my list went on. I guess I was setting myself up to not be disappointed if I could not follow through. I'm sure because of all of my negative thinking and how hard it was, after my first session I decided I needed to send an email letting Coach Fe know she was great and thanks for her time but this is just not for me. While I had my mind set on sending that email even typed it up, I truly believe God had to be the only reason why I never sent it before my second session rolled around. I attended the second session and it was hard but I got through it by God's grace because I was struggling. I kept coming back though and it got easier each time.


“Now, I can’t imagine myself quitting this lifestyle.”

I want to see what happens in a year from now, 3 years from now!


To this day, when it's hard, I don't feel like working out or it's a new challenge, I always think back to one of the first things, Coach told me, "If it was easy, everyone would do it!" I remind myself how much I have accomplished over the past 7 months. I have grown so much. I have gotten so much stronger, I have seen changes not just physically, but mentally as well. I’ve changed how I think about things regarding my health, training and nutrition. I have had so many victories. Now, I can't imagine myself quitting this lifestyle. I have to keep going. I want to see what happens in a year from now, 3 years from now! Most importantly, I want to maintain good health!

If I could give someone who was thinking about starting this journey some advice, I would tell them not to doubt themselves. You are so much stronger than you think. You have to trust the process. I would tell them that it does get better. I am doing things and moving my body in ways that 7 months ago I would have never thought imaginable. As cliché as it sounds, I would say JUST DO IT! You will never know what you are capable of unless you try and if you give it everything, give it your best, show up for yourself and stay CONSISTENT— you will not fail. You just have to get up and fight for yourself and your family and think about your future. I often say I don't even know who I am anymore and it's because I'm not the same person that started this Journey last July. I am changing every day. I am down 49 pounds now! Put yourself first you are WORTH it! You can do this!


Congrats Genesis! Your journey is just beginning!