
What are you looking for?

Have you ever thought about the word “Transformation?”. When I started my weight loss journey, I was focused on the physical aspect of my journey, but what I got was so much more. My transformation was so much more than just physical. My behaviors, relationships and even how I thought about things changed during the process. In my opinion, this is a true transformation.

Then the question is are you looking for quick transformation or a long lasting true transformation?

Healthee Body Fitness Coaching Program will teach you how to drop the weight and keep it off. It will boost your confidence and show you the ins and outs of eating healthy. With your work outs you will burn fat, your muscles will start to develop and you will become stronger not only physically, but mentally as well.

“If there's so much information available about fitness and nutrition, why are most people still struggling to get the body they want?”


The time is now

  • Are you exhausted with the process?

  • Are you just fed up with the struggle to lose weight or transform your body after trying for several years?

  • Are you overwhelemed by enourmous amount of information available that seems to change often?

  • How about confused about what to eat and which exercises to do to reach your goals?

With my new online coaching program under Healthee Body Fitness, we remove all the confusion and guesswork and create a customized program that works! You are the focus. I customize the programs to your schedule, preferences and your fitness level. I know this is key because fitness is not a one-size-fits-all type of thing.

A True Accountability Partner

I am a very hands-on coach. I will be there with you to teach you lessons that I have personally learned and also show you how to overcome obstacles and barriers to achieve your goals.

You will receive a customized meal plan and workouts that work for your body and adjusts with your lifestyle.

Remove all of the confusion that comes along with the process. All you have to do is follow the plan.

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60 Day Results

She dropped the weight and kept her shape in 60 days. are you up for the challenge?