Vanessa Lost 3.5in 60 Days

I wake up feeling like I CAN’T BELIEVE I DID THAT!


Healthee Body Fitness Program
November 9, 2021 - January 15, 2022

I am BEYOND proud of my results, but even more grateful for the complete transformation of my mind and discipline. I experienced anxiety, doubt and some days it took my whole family to come in that living room and workout with me for me to get it done. They made sure I did not short myself of this experience.

I didn’t foresee everything that’s happened within these 60 days, but if I had to bet my last dollar I’d do it all over again. It’s easy for everyone to think this process is simple because moms make it look easy. That they don’t struggle and I mean REALLY struggle meeting their OWN personal goals while balancing a healthy life, mental health and relationships therein. Working out and eating healthy with the leadership of Coach Fe has become a real lifestyle therapy for me and I am finding balance in every way with the tone and consistency this program set and tailored specifically for me 🙏🏽.

Setting goals and letting NOTHING stop you from reaching them is a mindset. It took for me to take a risk on myself and open my mind to external guidance and positivity outside my comfort zone leading me intentionally in the direction I wish to dwell. With that came some storms that were meant to break me, BUT everything I manifested for me IS happening one day at a time. Once you understand that LIFE happens and everyone isn’t going to like the way you choose to LOVE and POUR into and CARRY “YOUR” load….. The boundaries have been set, GO OFF.!!!!! They been talking, still talking and gonna keep talking. Give ‘em something to talk about ✨💯🧘🏽‍♀️

“This program has made realize how much work has to be done in other areas of my life as well.”

Some weeks were killer and I literally had to fight everyday to make it through the workouts.

At several moments during this program, I felt like things kept happening that were out of my control and it was knocking me down. So just know that this battle truly IS up hill. However, I’m still going and I’m not letting any of this deter me from continuing this healthy lifestyle and meeting my goals!

I didn’t foresee everything that’s happened within these 60 days, but if I had to bet my last dollar I’d do it all over again!


“Coach Fe inspired me to be a better me, a disciplined, much happier version of myself.”

With that came some storms that were meant to break me, BUT everything I manifested for me IS happening one day at a time


Congrats RedBONE! You invested in yourself and look what happened!