Iryna lost 40lbs

Every day I feel that I'm getting stronger and knowing that I'm getting to my goal with hard work instead of just yo-yo dieting is so much more satisfying.


I've been struggling with weight since I was about 18 and having PCOS didn't help anything. I have been dieting on and off pretty much my entire adult life, from paleo to keto to hcg diets. My relationship with food was not a healthy one and I'm still working on that relationship daily. When I started this journey, I was at a point in my life where I felt like nothing I did was working. I knew I needed help this time around and I'm glad i listened to my bff Genesis, who had an amazing transformation herself, and gave this process a shot.

These last 5 months have not been easy. During this process I've struggled with some personal issues, so I didn't always follow the meal plan or do my workouts as often as I know I could've done, but I never gave up. I always refocused and restarted again. Even though I give coach a hard time about how intense the workouts are and always ask why the rest breaks are so short (and seems like they're getting shorter every time lol), I've never said no. I never say i can't do something, i say I'll try. No matter how difficult an exercise might be, I always give it my all and let my body decide how far it can go.

weight loss in the back. Back fat weight loss and transformation

“I never gave up!”

My advice to others is to never give up, no matter how many times you have to restart.


So far I have lost almost 40 pounds, but my journey is nowhere near being over. I still have a ways to go, but every day i feel that I'm getting stronger and knowing that I'm getting to my goal with hard work instead of just yo-yo dieting is so much more satisfying.

Weight loss program. Down 40lbs in 5 months

I relied too much on the scale.

when I looked at my progress pictures, I saw that even though my weight didn't change, my body still did.

My problem has always been that I relied too much on the scale. If I didn't see the results on the scale, I would get discouraged and revert back to unhealthy lifestyle. I felt like if I don’t see a change than why am I trying so hard. I have learned that the scale is not everything. There were many weeks where my weight didn't change and I was starting to get discouraged but when I looked at my progress pictures, I saw that even though my weight didn't change, my body still did.

My advice to others is to never give up, no matter how many times you have to restart.


Congrats Iryna! Look how far you’ve come!