Personal Training Agreement

Congratulations and welcome to the Get Fit With Fe personal training program. I’m delighted that you have chosen this program as part of your commitment to health and fitness.

In order to maximize progress, it’s important to follow program guidelines during supervised and unsupervised training sessions. Remember, exercise and healthy eating are EQUALLY as important.

(“Client”) and Trainer, in consideration of the mutual promises exchanged herein and other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:

  1. Commitment: By purchasing sessions, Client is making a commitment to his/her health. Clients should follow the program and instructions of Trainer to the best of their ability to maximize their results and better achieve their goals. Remember, the ultimate results are up to the Client. Trainer will show Client how to work his/her muscles correctly and encourage him/her to go to his/her safe limit, but Client is the only one who can make sure he/she works out consistently, eats properly, gets plenty of sleep and lives a healthy lifestyle.

  2. Specifics: Trainer and Client shall agree upon the time, program type, content, payment schedule, payment amount and location of personal training sessions (“Sessions”) at the rate set forth in this agreement.

  3. Length of Sessions: Sessions will last approximately sixty (60) minutes - (75) minutes.

  4. Punctuality: Client shall be attired as discussed below and ready to train at the time specified between Client and Trainer. Client must give Trainer un-interrupted attention. Failure to be prepared to train may result in shortened workout or possible cancellation of the Session if client is more than fifteen (15) minutes late. If Client anticipates running late, he/she should contact Trainer as soon as possible. If Client informs Trainer that they will be delayed in starting, time may be subtracted from 60-75 minute workout.

  5. Attire: Client must wear comfortable workout attire, including, but not limited to, clean t-shirts, shorts, tights, sweats, and/or tracksuits. Athletic shoes must be supportive and functional. Workout gloves are optional, but recommended. Please do not hesitate to ask Trainer for advice on what type of clothing and shoes are appropriate.

  6. Stopping session: Client may refuse or stop any exercise for any reason. It is Client’s responsibility to notify Trainer of any discomfort or pain arising from or during exercise, as well as, any and all other known limitations Client has or experiences so that Trainer may accommodate Client and substitute another exercise to work that particular muscle group.

  7. Scheduling: Once training is scheduled, both Client and Trainer are held liable for those time slots. All sessions must be completed no more than 16 weeks from start date. Client will give Trainer at least 24 hours notice to reschedule any appointment. If 24 hour notice is not given, session will not be rescheduled unless dire emergency or illness. This will count as client forfeiture and it will count as a completed training session. If client continues to miss sessions or reschedules more than 5xs in a 4 week period, the trainer has the option to end training and the remaining balance will be due immediately. Client will comply with advance scheduling and payment policies as set forth below.

  8. Payment: Payment must be made in advance of sessions. Fees are non-refundable unless catastrophic injury or an incapacitating illness. If Client is enrolled in a program longer than 30 days, he/she may opt for monthly payments. He/she will be emailed an invoice for the second installment on the first of the month following the signing of this contract regardless of the date the contract was signed. Payment must be completed for ALL Sessions before any new or renewal contract may be signed. If for any reason, the client who is paying monthly can’t complete the agree-to sessions stated below, at least 50% of the remaining balance is due within 14 business days of the last training session. By signing this form you agree to these terms. It is the Client’s responsibility to pay his/her entire bill completely, regardless if sessions are completed or not. This means if you sign this agreement for 6 months, but you only train for 3 months, you are responsible for providing 50% of the remaining balance left on the contract immediately.

We have read and understand the above training agreement. All of our questions have been answered and we both agree to abide by the above terms and conditions and to use our best efforts to meet our training goals.