Teressa lost 36lbs

I wanted to look good for my 50th birthday. I think I have accomplished that but the best is yet to come.


The older I got, it seemed like it was impossible to maintain a healthy weight. My weight would periodically fluctuate. In 2018, my son was killed. The loss of my son hit me hard, I ended up losing 20lbs in a weeks’ time. Mind you, I didn't lose this weight in a healthy way. The trial of my son's death was extremely stressful. Once the trial was over, I found myself gaining the 20lbs I loss back and an additional 30lbs on top of that.

At that point, I found myself 50 lbs. overweight, high cholesterol, and severe issues with my back. I was consistently at the chiropractor and top it off, I was taking 9 medications daily.

June 2019, I decided to try my hand at a boot camp workout session and get myself to a healthy state of mind. After, the grueling boot camp session, I realized I was in the worst shape ever and it was time for a change.

One day, as I was scrolling through IG, I came across Coach Fe. I instantly thought, if she could make me look like her, that would be great! Little did I know what it was going to take to get to that point.

Can we talk about my first workout session with Coach Fe for a second...Honey, when I say I thought I was going to die, I literally thought I was going to D-I-E! After my first intense session with her, I told myself I did not want to go back. But at this point, I already paid for sessions to train with her and knew there was no going back. I made the decision to continue with the sessions with Coach Fe. I saw a huge difference in my mind and body. This is all because I put in the work to become a better me — mentally and physically. Mind you, all before my 50th birthday...Go me! I can truly say that this process is a huge accomplishment for me
but I know that the best is yet to come!


“Coach Fe, you created a beast!”

I can’t wait to see more changes.

I am down 36 pounds. Mother of two and grandmother “ya ya” of 3. I want to thank God for bringing me this far. Without Him I don’t know where I would be. I want to thank @slimthickbabz for pushing me and believing I can do ALL the workouts that she came up with! Thank you for helping me get my confidence back and for listening to everything going on in my life — good and bad. You are the BEST trainer, at least in my opinion. I would like to thank ME, for pushing myself even on days I did not want to work out. Believing in the process and being an inspiration to others.

For anyone who wants to start the journey, trust the process and make sure you have the right trainer/coach. I learned there is a difference of the two. A trainer will train you to win but a coach will get you the win. There will be ups and downs along this journey. You have to be willing to accept them and use them for motivation. When you start your journey, record your day one session. When you find yourself not wanting to work out or you feel like nothing has changed, look at that recording. Do you want to go back to day one?

Your mindset is key for this journey. Your body will do what the mind tells it to do. You will look at the meal plans and think I don’t eat that, that sounds nasty and no sugar, what? I thought, well since I paid, why not do it for at least 30 days. At 60 days the change happened. Went to the doctor, was taken off 6 medicines and lost a few pounds. Then Negative Nancy decided to show up telling me that I could not and should not be working out. Nancy had me feeling like, “why you doing all this working out and why would you pay someone to make you feel like you are going to die.” Once I started to see results and trust the process, I made Nancy pack up and leave because there was no stopping me. Now, she stops by from time to time but it’s not for long. I have worked too hard to be stopped by her foolishness. You will have people (friends, family and strangers) that will praise you, cheer you on, want to be like you (they may not say it) but most lack of motivation to even get started. Then you have people who try and down play your process with comments like, “Why you dressed like you been working out?”, “Who you trying to look good for?”, “When you going to take a break from all that working out and eating healthy?”. I could go on and on. This is when you know it is all worth it. Stop scrolling, asking the same questions under every picture and video. Just do it, what do you have to lose but weight?

50 and fabulous! Remember, age is nothing but a number

50 and fabulous! Remember, age is nothing but a number

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“The ones who say you can’t are afraid you will.”

There will be ups and downs along this journey. You have to be willing to accept them and use them for motivation.


Congrats Teressa! Despite every obstacle that has come into your life, you continue to fight and succeed. The sky is the limit.