Smita lost 30lbs

“I am now 39 years old and I am in a much better health than 5 years ago.”


Let me start by telling you about myself, I am a healthcare professional, and a mother of two, a 10 year old girl and a 2 year old boy. Before kids, I was a very active person participating in sports, mostly swimming. I was never skinny in my life but was never fat either and my flat stomach was a source of my pride. I am 5.3" and my weight stayed under 120 lbs. Although it's pretty hard to believe now, even for me, I was quite beautiful at one point of time and even won my college beauty pageant.

Whenever I look back and think, it makes me very depressed to see what I have done to myself. But I can’t be the only one in my situation. There has to be other women who are caught up in this endless loop of negative self-talk, struggling to live up to their wonderful slender past, feeling hopeless, not knowing where to start, giving up, and resorting to food to comfort themselves! It's uncomfortable to talk about, but I want to share my journey in hopes of inspiring someone that it's never too late...

My weight started creeping up on me after my daughter was born in 2011. I had so much swelling after the epidural, which never really went away (I believe the "swelling" just converted into I must have been around 150-160 lbs at that time and I kind of accepted the "new normal". Then, in 2016 I had an ectopic pregnancy and a near death experience. My body never recovered from the shock and I kept slowly gaining the weight. By the time I was pregnant with my son in 2018; I was 185lbs and ended up having gestational diabetes. I had to use insulin for the last couple months of the pregnancy. It went away after he was born, but as a healthcare professional, I know if I am not careful, I have a very high chance of becoming diabetic in future. But again, being a new mom, it was very hard for me to get any time to focus on losing weight. Again, I went into the vicious cycle of hopelessness that I have let myself go too far this time, there's no going back from here and eating! There was a time when I didn't want to look in the mirror, didn't put much effort in dressing up, nothing looked good anyways...By the end of 2019, I tipped the scale at 200 lbs.

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“The complements...I tell you, they keep me going.”

Even with the mask, people recognize that I have lost weight. It feels amazing.


Fortunately, my parents came to visit in early 2020, and due to pandemic decided to stay with us for a little longer. My mom was very concerned about my weight and she helped me get my diet under control. I lost about 15 lbs by September 2020. She constantly encouraged me to do exercise. But it's hard to start on your own, I knew I needed help but didn't know where to find it. I started thinking about other methods like gastric sleeve or bypass surgery or medication. But deep down I knew they were not the right choice for me. 

While speaking to one of my colleagues, I mentioned that I am looking for a trainer, and she happened to be friends with Genesis, a client of coach Fe. She told me that she has seen major changes in Genesis after starting the training with the coach. This gave me hope, as I preferred a trainer with reference. I emailed the coach and set up a phone appointment to discuss. The minute I got off the phone with her, I knew I wanted to work with her.  

I have been training with her since Nov, 2020, I weigh 150 lbs today, and this is just the beginning. I recently upgraded and extended my contract with her for a year. This is how much I believe in her and her process. I can’t wait to see my transformation in the coming period. 

And the complements...I tell you, they keep me going. Even with the mask, people recognize that I have lost weight. It feels amazing, when people come to me and say you look great, to be able to wear a medium size jacket down from XL it feels good! I know I have a long way to go, but I am enjoying what I have achieved until now! 

The person I want to thank most is my daughter. She has been my biggest cheerleader, literally. From day 1 and for the entire 1st month she exercised right beside me cheering me up saying "mommy you can do this”, “go mommy" and "I can’t wait to see how you would look". If it wasn't for her innocent eyes wanting to see an improved me, I would have quit long back.

When I say it was tough, IT WAS TOUGH!! But as the coach says "if it was easy everyone would be fit". I am now 39 years old and I am in a much better health than 5 years ago. 

For anyone sitting on the fence about joining coach Fe, just jump and start already! There will never be a better time. Don't get caught in the vicious cycle like me. Stop and seek help if it's too much to do on your own. You will be happy you did, I know I am!


Congrats Smita! Your hard work and dedication to the process is inspiring!