Noopur lost 22lbs

“After just a period of 3 months, I can actually feel the difference in my endurance, strength and stamina.”


Back in August 2022, I attended a family event, and when the photos came, I was so disappointed to look at myself and my mother was so worried with my weight, she relentlessly pushed me to take some action.

My weight was 87.5 kilograms… the heaviest I have ever been and that's when I realized I need to do something. My sister was already working with Coach Fe and I was inspired with her transformation so I decided to give it a try and belive me that's one of the best decision I've made.

I'm very fond of chicken, and starting the diet was very exciting given I get to eat chicken throughout the day, but the hardest part was the discipline, the portions and the timing. The good thing is, even though the portions are small, you never feel hungry, coz the meals are so frequent.

“CONSISTENCY is the key!”

now I see a clear path to my weight loss goal.


Coach's ideology for workout is to jump in water and you'll learn to swim. Starting my workout with the group was inspiring looking at others on the same journey. But  that inspiration evaporated quickly after a few minutes, and am not kidding that I thought dying would be much more easier, even though I was hardly doing a 10 seconds workout and a 60 seconds break.

And today after just a period of 3 months though, it's the other way round. an hour long workout of 60 seconds with 10 second break is the routine and easily doable. I can actually feel the difference in my endurance, strength and stamina. The second wave of immense motivation was the ability to fit (that too a loose fit) in old clothes, which I kept holding on to with a dream that someday I'll squeeze in those.

I have already reduced almost 10 kilograms in these 3 months and now, I see a clear path to my weight loss goal and I feel adequately equipped to manage my weight when I am no longer in the program.

For all others like me, who are a couch potato and love to eat.. Believe me, if I can... then you definitely can... But just remember… CONSISTENCY is the key!!!


Yaay Noopur! You did it, CONGRATS!