Marcie lost 30lbs

I turned 40 this year and this body is my gift to myself.


Growing up I always had a very small frame, naturally. I’m talking 115lbs at the age of 20. This meant that as I started to have babies and get older, I also did not have healthy eating habits because I never had to worry about what I was putting in my mouth. Boy did that change! My husband is one of those good guys. I mean the type that’s going to love every roll. While I am blessed to have that, I also found myself very comfortable with all this weight because of it. I remembered the old me but every time I tried to give a healthy lifestyle a go I would eventually fall short, lasting about 5 weeks at the most, and because my husband didn’t mind, neither did I. But clearly, I REALLY DID mind!

In 2015, I decided to have a tummy tuck because as long as that was flat, I was good right? Wrong!!! So if anyone is thinking about that as a fix all, let this be proof that a tummy tuck will not simply just fix your body. I went through the cycle of dieting and then not until I was 210 lbs at 5’ 2”. I’ve always known that changing my body was possible but lacked the long term motivation and the cycle of starting and stopping year after year was just adding to my weight.

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“Let this be proof that a tummy tuck will not simply just fix your body.”

I decided to have a tummy tuck because as long as that was flat, I was good right? Wrong!!!

Well, that was until I met Coach Fe! I am not a gym person so I was first introduced to her seeing someone else do her virtual workout. Yes, these changes came about being trained virtually. To say her workouts motivated me is an understatement. Her encouragement, level of accountability she holds me to (eating habits included) and the creativity in her workouts is what keeps me coming back for more. Well that and these abs trying to show up, haha! It is still hard work and falling off from time to time is a part of the process.

So if I had to give any advice, it would be to not let those moments define your journey. It will get easier but it isn't easy so don’t confuse the two. As I have surpassed my 5 week point (will be one year in June) I have learned to give myself grace as I fall short and to never give up on my journey no matter how difficult. I turned 40 this year and this body is my gift to myself.

I turned 40 this year and this body is my gift to myself!

I turned 40 this year and this body is my gift to myself!


“These changes came about being trained virtually.”

I’ve always known that changing my body was possible but lacked the long term motivation.


Congrats Marcie! You have come too far to quit now!